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Monday, August 24, 2009

elki products

Well, the sewing machines are flying through the fabric, the online store going through its last round of changes, and spring is on its way. Here is a little taste of some of our products. Will be back with more products later this week.

[images by elki]

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back - loud and clear

Well, I've finally arrived, unpacked (almost) and set up work in my new home town, Narromine. Its been a very busy and tiring week last week, on top of which I've been an extremely bad blogger and not blogged since. I was having a little trouble with my internet and mobile reception out here, but it all seems to be working (touch wood). So now that i've set up my office, I will be back on board this week. Elki's online store is still in progress and will be up and running in two weeks. Here are some photos of our new place, it was the best I could do with my camera and limited internet access! :)