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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Liberty of London

We were children of the 80's, who grew up with a mum whom loved nothing more than making our children's clothes and dressing us up, especial Liberty. Mum's parents came out from England and India in the early 50's, and they've stayed strong to their heritage, instilling these to mum. Even if that meant, wearing their kilts in Brisbane summer weather to our speech days, or introducing us to tea at the age of 3, and dressing us in head to toe of Liberty fabric! I'm sure many of you have heard of Liberty of London fabrics, and with that recognition you may 'cringe' a little. If you were like us, dressed from head to toe in Liberty, you will never want to go near it again.

So, I ask you to take another look at Liberty. If you're like me and haven't seen them since the 80's, have a look at their website. They're producing some stunning modern fabrics and products - nothing of which resembles the floral mess on mass! They're still printing the classics, and its our aim to mix these recognisable classics with new fabrics, and use them in ways that will NOT make you cringe (hopefully)! So we won't bring back the blue eyeshadow or the big hair, but instead bring a little bit of our childhood into the modern world. (mum still has all of our Liberty dresses in her wardrobe!). These were just some of the Liberty products that caught my eye...

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