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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

blog love - sunday suppers

Where I live in Sydney, 5 of my best friends all live within about 2kms from each other. After many years away at uni and split up between different cities, we're all now so close (literally!). So we've begun weekly dinners at each others house, as one of our beloved group members is moving NYC next month. As weekends are usually so busy, our weekly dinners have been so fun and a great excuse to have a wine and catch-up.

Georgina, works at Delicious Magazine as the senior food assistant, so I'm never without a great meal. However, I feel like I've become slightly 'stumped' in the kitchen domain. So when I found this blog Sunday Suppers, I thought perfect! This will help inspire me for my next dinner and/or brunch. They have delicious recipes and the photography is stunning. Nothing like drooling over a beautiful foodie photo at my desk! Its inspired me to start writing and collecting my favourite recipes down, like Osso Buco, chocolate tartin, Rhubarb crumble (loving the look of Sunday suppers crumble). What is your favourite recipe? Something sweet or savoury?


  1. My favourite -bring along to any dinner party- dish is my baked cheesecake. Serve with ice-cream and strawberries. Mmmmm!!

    Thank you for the Sunday Suppers link!

  2. Hi Angela, YUMMY! You're welcome at my dinner party anytime :) Thanks for stopping by
