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Friday, June 26, 2009

Pantone mug

I have just bought myself my first Pantone mug, and I'm in love with it! I though it was a bit naf, a graphic designer buying one of these, but I really do love the colour (PMS 337, duck egg blue) and I thought 'why not'. But I think the most geekiest thing I did, like any normal designer would do, was compare the colour against the Pantone colour bridge!! Oh I truely am a designer geek.

Work are considering getting the 10 pack mug set for our office, so we can be Pantone geeks together. For those keen on buying their Pantone mug, click here. If you want to find out more about Pantone, and why it is the backbone of our designer world (think 8pm press checks, arguments with printers, the ease of selecting a colour etc)!, click here.

If I could select my own colour, I would pick PMS 382 (chartruse). What colour are you?

[images of my desk, emma kaveney]


  1. Oh my goodness, you are a girl after my own heart! PMS 337 is my long standing favourite - I LOVE your mug x

  2. I know! isn't PMS 337 the most divine colour - so fresh, a little beachy, a little Tiffany's...!
